Sunday, July 24, 2005

Game of attention

Just got a comment and a request to visit a a blog.
Very nice looking female - as I am an old "fart" - I just can't help thinking that it might have been an attempt to lore me to XXX sites:-)

So blogging is one channel of marketing? We are compiting for attention and readers.

One note for the "game of communication".

Hit me with a "blog"

Visual image of what pinging will do
I just had to set up the possibility to use Trackback. This gives bloggers a change to let me ja all the readers of this blog to know, when they are blogging about a similar subject.

This is a presentation to NSCS2005. If any of the partisipants are blogging and using Trackback, "ping" me.


Thursday, July 21, 2005

Blogging vs forum as a tool for dialogue

I have been trying to set up a trackback for Blogger. It is possible, but you need to change the site to your own server. When playing with computers I have learnt not to fix something that is working. (this blog is working.) I have only about two weeks until this blog (“game”) ends – so I will not fix this blog.

BUT I think that Trackback
will give blogging a dialogue flavor. Why use blogging as dialogue, when there are forums and BB that are made for discussion?

My experience is that forums and BB tend to have short comments and readers are oriented towards a very specific theme – like 3D programs and 3D max character animation in Finland… I might be wrong, but I think it is very difficult to get a forum working. I think that it might be possible to start a forum after getting to know some people and to solve a "simple" problem. By simple I mean clear and well defined. (Might be hard to crack, but easy to work with.)

In blogging the most important thing is expressing your own ideas. In future I hope to get comments – like trackbacks from other bloggers who are just expressing their ideas, but want to “ping” me to say that – Hey, this might interest you too.

Check the social machines too.


Monday, July 18, 2005

Let's play - hit me with a link

Just visited "naked Conversations". There are tips on how to blog. I don't agree on everything - as I don't want a big audience - I want a right audience:-) Dialogue on the issues I am interested in. BUT looks like it's all about doing the work and research!


Let's play - hit me with a comment

One goal is to speak you mind. Tell others what you think – but why?
For me it is to get attention and hopefully to learn. Expressing thoughts makes thinking more structured.

Some how the audience – readers affect our thinking and also presentation of our ideas. We will change our way of telling by our expectations of our audience. (And their reactions. This is very true in standup comedy – why not in factual writing?)

So one goal for the game of communication is to get an audience – imaginative or real, passive or actively participating. In this experiment I have tried to get an audience by emailing scholars and publishing technorati “tags” – and also by writing comments to other bloggers. (Just like the idea that you get letters, if you send letters.) By being active you will get responses.

At the moment I have more hits to this site than otherwise. Estimate is based on hits to my other sites. I have 5 times more hits than two months ago. (Hit counter shows 120 hits to this site and that means about 50 – 60 different visitors.)

Why is there no comments?
  • Is it summertime and not for serious thinking?

  • Is the structure of writing – unstructured and hard to comment on?

  • Is there nothing unique or controversial to comment?

  • Is the subject uninteresting? – Who cares?

  • Or is this still hidden from people that could have something to contribute?


Friday, July 15, 2005

Talking to TV-characters

I really believe that dialogue makes us understand things better. We have to construct our representation and understanding and test it by sharing. Very important part of gaining more information is that communication is not very accurate. We understand only 10% what others mean. These misunderstandings lead to testing our thinking and possible new solutions or points of views.

If the game on communication is dialogue, this experiment of building a presentation is not working. (And same problem is with most of blogs – everyone is writing, but not many are continuing the discussion. (It’s often about advertising ones own blog or expertise – kind of telling others that I know that or that I have done it all ready.)

When I started this presentation my aim was and still is, to play with an idea that – writer publishes what they want – and reader reads what they want to read. AND it might not be the same things, but how do we make both of them happy?

Well again the first presumption is that by tagging we can write “info cloud” – or make our message easier to be found. This might be a object for discussion. In a way this does not work. It is not enough to have an interesting subject as it is not enough for communication to have the right technology.

There has to be more motivation for dialogue than interesting subject and software that able communication. We have personal motives and we need to feel that those motives are fulfilled by our commitment to the discussion. (Most often it is our need to get attention and approval.) I also use term “social dominance game”. We like to take part in discussions with known, public figures or authorities – or people that we like to think that are experts in the field. (You can figure out why I call it “social dominance game:-)

BUT can we have a monologue and find our own feedback from other sources to make a dialogue? I think this has happened to me. I am writing, but finding related views from other’s blogs. So I am in dialogue with people with out getting any comments.

This gives a feeling of empowerment – writing so that no one reads is dull, but writing for your self, but having a “discussion” with a “television screen” is much more fun. (You know that some people talk with tv-characters- this is the similar, but it just has a minimal possibility that the famous TV-character might reply.)


Sunday, July 10, 2005

Power and sharing

I blogged about "Attention as power" and "Donate a link" at DVreport. Writing is connected to discussion about "Social Machines". Just trying to understand where the enegry comes from to this virtual super-hero:-)

Saturday, July 09, 2005

Brainiacs - part 4

Nodes – in social machines

My first assumption was that a social machine, aca human grid, neural network is a community, where members know each other or are conscious of existence of a particular character. (Not knowing, but recognizing a name, nickname or something.)

BUT it looks like socialcomputing has made it possible to be included in a “social machine” or use the power of a “social machine” with out personal communication. It is enough to use tagged messages and smart search engines. Any one can benefit from socially collected knowledge. (This relates to the idea that communities and networks need a social object to work together. In a way common goal might be enough to motivate a co-operation with out ever developing in to a community.)

I think that we have different roles in different social machines. (We use many networks and have different degrees of commitment. This is the same as in my previous message on McLuhan Global/Glocal.) I did not think so much about the motivation and reasons for different roles. Why do we communicate? Why are we a member of a “social machine”? Why share a link? or any piece of information?

I have an experiment going on a blog called “Health and Wellness” I am asking people to share their links on online videos about exercising at and tag them as “XO”. This started yesterday and no links are share yet:-)

Question is what is an interesting subject to build a community or a social machine for? If you want a big, powerful machine, you should look ideas from journalism. There are criteria for good news. I think that same criteria ably for building a community.

I am not a traditional journalist, but more like a citizen journalist so I can write about issues that I feel interested in. I am confident that people that share similar interests will find this blog in future. I am not changing my issues according to what might be of public interest. (That’s for those who make their living out of blogging or journalism. I don’t mean that if you make a bug, you have to sell out. More like when your not selling, it’s not an issue.)


Thursday, July 07, 2005

Some brainiacs – part 3

Social networks and collective thinking makes a human grid that is a powerful character. Wade Roush has titled this as “Social machines”. A very good article.

One comment on the article was about the power of a network:

"Bob Metcalfe that the value of a network increases as the square of the number of nodes in the network."

Power of a network is one value, but to put the power in use, we need to control and direct it. The effectiveness of the “social machine” comes from the tools we use for co-operation. (Good tools are invisible and we don’t need to use energy on technology.)

Power of network is a little different than raw energy. In human grids the power comes from the interest of people. So power comes from people that have similar goals. I would compare this to idea of dialogue. In Dialogue you need some common ground to be able to exchange thoughts, but also a “container”. Container is a metaphor that means that people need to be committed to a goal so that they keep together even though they disagree. In many cases in dialogue people tend to get frustrated and discussion “boils”. Container needs to be able to handle the pressure.

Power of a network needs a “container” – the strength of the commitment of the participants defines the container.

I need to write about my understanding of a network or a community. We live in a global world and I don’t know the people that are reading this blog. This gives a feeling of universal communication.

We are members in many networks and one way of categorizing them is by our commitment.
1. Universal network – we all are members
2. “Me” – I as a unique individual (and chif of my tribe)
3. Trusties – about 20 persons of family and most trusted friends
4. Tribe – about 150 people with intensive communication (Different interests)
5. Contact network – about 1000 people that are in some kind of contact with me.

This is a verson of McLuhan’s glocal village. (Global, but understood that it does not mean that we are connected with everyone all the time.) Human grid or a network is not a fixed, staple structure. Members come and go and their activity varies.


Tuesday, July 05, 2005

Some brainiacs – part2

This is still rough text and I am trying to understand what this is about.

What is a game and what do you need for it? With out any literary research, my list is:
1. goal, a purpose of action
2. start – end
3. mutually understood and approved rules (world)
4. players (community)

(In this ”game of writing a presentation” at the moment is one player and 10 – 15 viewers – people that read the blog. In game of communication one can be involved in the action by just reading, but I would not categorize a reader as a player.)

I will use this blog as an example in my presentation – and in trying to figure out how games relate to mediated communication.

1. Goal of this game is to learn about games and communication. In a way this is also just practicing for the actual game. I’d compare this to solo tennis. At the moment I am hitting balls against a wall by my self – but it is practice. I feel like getting better and it will not take a long time until I am so good that some one wants to come and play.

This game as an other action or a goal too. It is an experiment of collaborative learning or collective research that is done with out a pre-organized study/research group. Kind of open collaborative or participatory learning/research?

2. Start and end. The game starts when there is more than one player and end after the feedback from the presentation August 3, 2005. Players might continue to communicate afterwards, but let’s define the presentation as an end to this session. *

*(I don’t like putting things in categories and making definitions. We live in a relative world and “boxes” are not good for building a natural world. BUT we are use to using boxes (words) to communicate and I don’t know any other way, yet.)

3. Mutual rules and an approved fantasy world. We live in a very concrete/ real world with trees and rocks and buildings, but communication and social relations are never concrete. We all have our own mental image of social groups, communities and other things. We can see the physical world, but never the mental constructions of other people. In a way this means that we fantasy world of games is similar to our real fantasy world?

We can not cover every possibility of action by a rule. In games it is also allowed to fantasize breaking rules of physical world. (Kids can run around and imagine that they are flying and it’s okay in a game.)

(I don’t know the rules of this game of communication, but at the moment I am plying it by the rules of real world and very openly.)

4. Players and community. In a game every one has to have a unique role and we need to know how is involved. In many virtual games and some face to face games, players can have fake identities. But the participant has a role to play in the game – a character with it’s own rules and goals.

In this experiment I am a moderator or facilitator and also the person who will make the presentation. What roles and characters are left for others? Why would anyone play this game?

Playing games is practice for real life. World is changing so fast that we need to learn new ways to cope all the time – it’s called life long learning or “learning a living”.
This game is about power of knowledge. I see a collaborative learning community as a super-hero.

a) Okay… we can agree that knowledge makes us more powerful. We can get better jobs, make better deals and so on.

b) We can get more information with mediated communication and effective use of web and structured knowledge resources (semantic web?).

c) Social networks and collective thinking makes human grids that can be a even more powerful tool.

a+b+c= super-hero

Like any tool or power it can be used for good or evil. So this super-character might not be a nice one?

Next part of presentation I have to deal with the “community”

(Now, I will go jogging…)


Sunday, July 03, 2005

Invitation to bright minds and brainiacs

Copy of an email I send to some professors...

Dear all,

Thank you for your presentations and articles. You have given me ideas – and those are included in my latest experiment. I toke part in Wade Roush’s collective writing exercise for MIT Technology review. (It will be published 5th of July, 2005

I want to try the method on preparation of a presentation that I am giving at Nordic Serious Games Seminar 3rd of August, 2005. (So I have about one month to make the presentation.)

I am NOT asking you to write the presentation. (I have to do it my self.)

For me this is about the presentation and getting ideas, but I hope that you can see a bigger picture. This is about collective writing and using technology to share ideas. I have set up a blog for sharing

I chose a public blog because it’s free and accessible to everyone. (Anyone can use this method and set up their blogs to discuss themes and issues.) In the blog are included some “smart” features, like tags to technorati, RSS feeds and like to Bloglines feed reader. (That is the technology helping us – and it’s accessible to everyone also.)

The theme I want to discuss is “games and mediated communication”. What are the rules and principles in this game of communication? Can we plan a game where we both the “sender” and the “receiver” are winners? And how do you win – when do you feel like a winner?

I hope you can join or at least follow the process. I know that most of you are busy professors. If you don’t have the time, maybe you can ask one of your PhD students to comment?

Thank you for taking the time to read this. If you have any questions, please, contact me or just ask on the blog.

Hannu Leinonen
PhD student, University of Jyväskylä
Mediatalo Info, CEO

Saturday, July 02, 2005

First draft of presentation

Draft for the presentation

Presentation is about games and mediated communication. Seminar is about “serious games”. Name implies that there are serious games and games that are fun – learning or entertainment (escapism).

I did a search on why we use media.: entertainment, learning, routine, social needs and making sense of ones life. Motivation for playing games might be similar.

Very natural way to think is that we play to learn skills and get experiences in a safe environment. I think that very important skill to learn is communication (and mediated communication). Communication and community – our social environment is the echo of our self esteem. We evaluate our selves by the feedback we get from others. In this way social contacts give a meaning for our living. Playing games is a very important part of learning social rules, roles and communication.

Communication on the other hand is a very important way of learning. We can learn by following an example, but most of our learning is via mediated communication – books, images, video and computers. Learning new things is very natural for us. We have done it all man kind, but lately our livelihood, earning a descent living depends more on continuously updating our knowledge. “Learning our living” like McLuhan puts it.

I want to continue with an other mcluhanism new word “Glocal”. Even though we are communicating in a global world, we are not in contact with everyone. We share with a rather small “tribe” and communicate with about 1 – 2000 persons. We need to get to know these people and this is why communication skills are important and digital literacy, too.

I’ll go back to the dichotomy of serious/fun or virtual/real or useful/nonsense. I don’t think that it is defined by the game. It’s involved by all parts: players, game and learning objective (intentional or unintentional). It is very easy to compare this to social software and discussion about social objects – a reason for working together. (referring to Jyri Engelstom’s article.)

What is useful or what is a game, is much a question of definition. Wittgenstein argued that language is a game (from wikipedia). We do not have to play role games to learn about how people react. If we play games with someone, we can learn about others. If we play solo, can we learn about our selves?

(This is also a western/ non western philosophical question. In our western society we like to teach others and also think that plays on books should teach us important things. What about thinking that it’s not about teaching, but it’s about learning. We can learn from plays, we don’t need to teach others, but learn from others? Knowledge and understanding can not be thought, it has to be learnt. We can assist in the learning – and call that “teaching” :-)

Part two of the presentation is about communication as a “game”. One way of thinking of communication is that a) we have people that want to speak – present their view or publish. b) We have people that are looking for information or for some reason want to read, listen or view and c) there is a some kind of connection with these two. In these game we will try to fulfill both needs. I am looking answers from semantic web, ontology and tags.

(I have to stop now and go to Sauna...)


Some brainiacs writing a presentation

I'd like to follow Wades experiment and write a presentation. I have promised to talk about games and mediated communication at Nordic Serious Games Seminar in August 2005. (Link is at the sidebar of this blog.)

I have build this blog just for this experiment and I will Tag it with Technorati. I think that problem with this continuous computing/ citizen journalism experiment is that there are no "hit". This starts from total no exposure. So lets see what happens:-)